Monday, February 14, 2011

valentine card :)

This image it is a valentine card, whilel doing this thing
I tried to figure out what will be the outcome of my valentine card.
I tried to think what will be the possible outcome of my card to be given to someone, so that, that person who will be recieving the card  will be more inspired and appreciate my work.

First, I used recycle paper, then some art materials. I also used gift wraft but I think its special gift wraft when you touch it, its rough.
so, I used them all and then try to combine them all.

  then I search quotes from internet that fits on the valentines day :) <3

Valentines is not all about LOVE it is also about sharing your love to others and appreciating the things tha have been given to them or have been shared. Valentines is about spreading LOVE and give thanks to someone that have been there for you all the time. :) love is everything **

afterwards, i take captured photos for my finish product. Then,i post it one my blog. Here are the some picutres that I have been captured during my free time :D
And I also learned that, in this activity it shows that every person has his own creativeness if he has a patience to this. :)